Analyzing companies that are interested in their services from the information of users who visit their websites|Business Strategy Inc.

Business Strategy Inc.
Number of employees | 40 people(include part time workers) |
Business Content | Media and video advertising services |
URL | |
- I don't know what kind of company is interested in video advertising (our service)
- Data acquisition strategy has not been established for new acquisition
Operational Structure
Number of sales | 4 people |
Number of marketers | 2 people(Dural Post) |
- Setting up BowNow on the landing page of listing ads
→ Use the company tracking function to analyze - Place a form created with BowNow
Future Outlook
- Analyzing the timing of follow-up and re-examination of lost orders: I want to use the alert function of the ABM template to create a mechanism to notify sales when a lost customer visits the site again.
- Effective verification of email marketing