2. Partners


Be a part of "BowNow" today!?
Looking for Local Business and Sales Partners

We are seeking business partners to collaborate with to increase the BowNow awareness and assist sales activities locally.
If you are interested in becoming a local business and sales partners, please feel free to reach us via inquiry form below.

Partner benefits

For differentiation from other companies

You can offer BowNow as a differentiator when competing with competitors.

For enhanced operational analysis

Utilize access logs for each business type and company size that cannot be understood from Google Analytics alone.
For example, you can see the type of business, sales, number of employees, capital, and listing of users who visit the site.

To increase stock sales and prevent cancellation

MAs tend to have very low churn rates because they are tools that can easily be used as a corporate infrastructure.

※Administrators must apply using the corporate domain address.

Click here for partner inquiries

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