Top Free Stock Photo Websites for Business (HD Photos, Vectors, and Icons)

People remember 80% of what they see, compared to a mere 20% of what they read. So if you want web visitors to remember your site or what you’re blogging about, it’s crucial to mix in a nice variety of visually-pleasing images.
However, if you have a limited budget for running your site, you may want to opt for free stock photos to save money on a photo subscription. And as a matter of fact, there are plenty of sites out there that offer stock photos that are royalty free, which refers to intellectual property you can use without paying anything for.
In this article, we’ll introduce our favorite stock photo websites (all of which you can use for free!) for hunting down everything from high-quality photos to vectors and icons. Make sure to bookmark the sites you find most useful for future use.
Table of Contents
Stock Photos
Source: Unsplash
With over 2 million high-quality images, Unsplash is beloved by all kinds of content creators and arguably the #1 resource. You’re also able to search by subject, photo orientation, color scheme, and more, so you can easily pull up the perfect image.

Source: Pixabay
Pixabay boasts a whopping 24 million resources, including photos, vectors, video clips, music and sound effects. The quality is also fantastic- all the stock photos that you’ll find here are in HD. In addition, before downloading an image, you can choose the size and Pixabay will trim it down for you, saving you time.
Source: Pexels
Pexels is another option that competes with the previous two, for its wide selection of high-def photography. The point of differentiation is that Pexels has more of an “aesthetic” vibe, offering more artistic photos.
Source: Gratisography
Gratisography is famous for their collection of quirky and humorous photos. Definitely check it out to find a unique photo to make as the banner photo of your next blog, to make the content even more clickable + shareable.
Source: Pikwizard
Pikwizard may not have as extensive a library as the Big Three above, but it does allow you to instantly edit any of the photos in their editor Design Wizard. This is also totally free and you can easily download the pics after editing them to your liking.
Source: Rawpixel
Rawpixel does require you to make a free account before you can download their photos, but they have a nice variety of images, vectors, PSD mockups, and design add-ons. Also, if you want to access their entire library, you can sign up for a paid subscription and 10% of the profit will go towards the charity Hope for Children.

Source: Stockvault
Stockvault has a wide range of textures and backgrounds that you can incorporate into your web design or powerpoint slides. They also have a good selection of clipart and icons.
Illustrations and Vectors
Source: Vecteezy
Vecteezy is the #1 resource to find royalty free vectors and clipart to use in your content. They also offer paid content for designers, like font packs, presentation mockups, business card templates, and more.
Source: Vectorportal
Vectorportal has a huge library of colorful clipart that is perfect for use in your powerpoint presentations.
Free PNGimg
Source: Free PNGimg
While it admittedly doesn’t have a beautiful UI, Free PNGimg is easy-to-use, and has a collection of over 50,000 graphics and icons.
While ICOOON MONO is a Japanese website, you can switch the language to English and use it just fine. And I had to include this one as it’s my go-to website for finding simple icons to incorporate into web pages and powerpoints alike. The icons are all the same dark gray color, allowing you to maintain a consistent style in your content.
Source: Flaticon
For a more colorful option that still looks professional, I highly recommend Flaticon. This site also has a wide selection of business and marketing related icons.
Source: Iconarchive
Last but not least, IconArchive has cartoony icons that you could mix into your content for a fun, child-like style. You can also download emojis as SVG vector images.
Further Resources