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  4. BowNow is low-cost and has an excellent support system.| PRIME CONSULTANT CO., Ltd

BowNow is low-cost and has an excellent support system.| PRIME CONSULTANT CO., Ltd

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URL:  https://www.primec.co.jp/

BowNow is low-cost and has an excellent support system.

It is easy to understand in terms of functionality and is a great tool for MA beginners.



Business Activities

Management consultant (wage, personnel and evaluation systems, human resources management)


【Challenges before implementation】


Reasons for Selection 
  • Increase the number of inquiries from our website
  • Analyze website traffic
  • Enhance customer engagement with email nurture programs 
The number of new inquiries through the website had been decreasing because the website had been neglected with only SEO measures in the past.

In addition, even when new inquiries were received, they often lacked a sense of urgency and did not lead to sales projects.


【Why BowNow?】

Reasons for Selection 
  • Simple functional design with no complicated features
  • Technical support, support system with dedicated customer success

Compared to other MA tools, the ability to get started right away was the deciding factor in our decision to implement this tool. While other MA tools offer more detailed settings, we felt they were too difficult for us to use.


  • E-mail distribution
  • Utilization of the template

Currently, we only use html mail delivery and analysis of its click rate, etc.
In the future, we would like to utilize the access logs for effective e-mail marketing (step mail, trigger mail, etc.).

【Results of using BowNow and the changes in the company】


First of all, after sending out our newsletter, we were able to ascertain "how many people have seen it.

We use this information as a reference for discussions such as, "Wouldn't it be better to send this kind of e-mail to get a better response?

【Customer Voice】

We feel it is cost-effective. Some other MA tools cost close to 100,000 yen per month, but BowNow costs only about 20,000 yen per month, and we have a CS in charge who responds promptly to any questions we have.

The functions are also easy to understand, making it ideal for MA beginners. Cloud Circus is also releasing new services one after another, and I am looking forward to their future development.

Thank you very much!

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