Switched from another MA to BowNow, which is simple and easy to use.| HATTORI KOGYO K.K.

Company Name: HATTORI KOGYO K.K.
URL: http://www.hattorikogyo.com/
Switched from another MA to BowNow, which is simple and easy to use.
Not just tools, but digital strategy greatly advanced with advice on web content
Business Activities
We manufacture and sell commercial kitchen equipment for school canteens and hospitals. Our main products are rotary cookers and rice cookers, but in recent years we have also strengthened our sales of automatic mass cookers to meet the needs of the times.
We have been manufacturing kettles since our founding in 1885 and have shipped the largest number of rotary kettles in the world! Since the development of the first rotary kettle in Japan, more than 300,000 kettles have supported people making food.
【Challenges before implementation】
Reasons for Selection |
The potential value of MA for future strategies was a major attraction, and we considered switching to a simpler, easier-to-use MA tool.
【Why BowNow?】
Reasons for Selection |
First and foremost is the low cost. We already had data from an MA tool, so we only needed to convert it. The price was attractive enough for us to try it out with the mindset of "if it doesn't work, we can stop".
And then, it had almost all the features we were looking for. Although a low price is meaningless if it does not lead to results, we were convinced that it had enough functions necessary for companies like ours that are not making full use of MA tools or are planning to introduce MA tools in the near future.
Measures |
We utilize the system for registration forms for downloading drawings and instruction manuals for our products, and send out e-mails once or twice a month, leading to new inquiries and orders.
In addition, by utilizing access logs to grasp the level of attention and interest of customers, the inside sales team makes proposals to customers and provides detailed support.
【Results of using BowNow and the changes in the company】
The operation is simpler and easier to use than the MA tools we used before, and we can rest assured that everything from email creation to delivery can be carried out reliably.
【Customer Voice】
After switching MA tools, everything that had been troubling me blew up in a flash. The support we have received has been impeccable, and the advice we have received not only on the tools but also on the structure of our website has greatly advanced our digital strategy, for which we are very grateful.
Thank you very much!