Was Singles’ Day in 2021 a Success?

In China there is no other retail shopping day that can sit at the same table as Singles’ Day. This online festival that was promoted by the Chinese company Alibaba Group has grown to be one of the biggest one day consumption events of the year. And many shoppers see buying around this day as a badge of honor that represents the symbol of individualism. As it goes, Singles’ Day falls on November 11th , which is numerically 11/11. And with “1” signifying the individual, there can be fewer catalysts better than motivating that single person into shopping.
Indeed, looking at the numbers in China, Singles’ Day sales were up 20% when compared YOY. This was most likely a combination of the trend growing as more buyers emerge and the fact that people are less inclined to enter brick-and-mortar stores when confronted with a pandemic. The biggest beneficiaries look to be apparel and lifestyle. Which should not surprise many as the festival is centered on the individual after all. However, whereas China’s growth around this day was solid, other local economies are now really starting to embrace the day. Vietnam and Singapore both saw growth over 22% during this time with the segments of consumer electronics and travel doing particularly well.
Should this year be seen as a success? Looking at the numbers in Asia, we can come to a resounding yes. But the real uncovered gem for this this day is that its popularity is now evident in other parts of the world. It seems that countries such as Italy, Spain and France, are now getting in on the act and making 11/11 an attractive option for singles all over the world.
In order to be prepared for a seasonal event like Singles Day, marketers start preparing for the campaign a few months in advance to cover the funnel top to bottom. Marketing Automation(MA) tools help to understand the customers better in order to deliver the right message at the right time. This is to enrich the customer experience.
BowNow, Japan's #1 SMB friendly MA tool, is now available not only in Japan, but also in Southeast Asia!
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