Using Intent Data to Drive B2B Sales

You may have heard of intent data over the years, but for many the term does not create a clear definition. And with all the talk of predicative data, which is similar, the confusion can only get worse. But savvy marketers are paying close attention to intent data and the different ways it can be applied to campaigns. It used to be that intent data was confined to mainly internal sources, however this is changing drastically by the day as technology creates opportunities.
Much of intent data had been limited to what marketers could do with internal data. Some of this data is not source specific as potential clients interact across the web and do not share personal information. This is often the case when a prospect visits a web page, or watches video content with the company’s message. But with a lot of the activity there is an actual sharing of personal data though the likes of signing up for a trial service, filling out a contact page, or downloading materials of value. This contrasts with acquiring data from 3rd parties that have tracked it over the web. There is all types of data available on the web for purchase that can be tracked across industries. This type of intent data can be used by itself or together with company data to target consumers. And together this combination of non-paid and paid intent data can be a powerful force for marketers to target an audience.
When it comes to intent data, one piece of the arsenal that cannot be forgotten is search. Google dominates the space here, and it would be remiss to not touch on this. This is why any solid plan focusing on intent data should have a strong set up around SEO. This data will help you fill in many pieces of the marketing puzzle as you become aware of digital behaviors on the web.
It should also be mentioned that intent data, just like other data, does have a shelf life. Marketing teams that are trying to build out their intent data capabilities should be committed to the long term and ready to spend money on paid sources. Strategies should include keeping your internal framework strong, ongoing development of external sources, and commitment to SEO. With a multi-pronged approach, marketers are ready for their next win.