What is the difference between Digital marketing and web marketing!?

What is the difference between digital marketing and web marketing!?
Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes the internet and online-based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones, and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.
Although some people sometimes think digital marketing is the same as web marketing, the concept is slightly different between digital marketing and web marketing.

Digital marketing is to integrate and manage all outbound activities such as exhibitions and business negotiations while encompassing the domain of web marketing. For example, a method of linking customer data and behavior data to utilize individual logs,
and individual customer marketing (one-to-one marketing)
that performs the optimal action for each customer based on the collected information.
Concepts are also included in digital marketing. In other words, it is a marketing method that is bro
And marketing automation (MA) is one of the measures of digital marketing.
Web marketing and can be tackled by any company, regardless of industry or business category.
Why digital marketing is important
Search for products or services on our website and apply immediately from there.
This is a common flow in consumer business (B2C) such as in EC sites,
but incorporate business (B2B), it is a normal flow to find by searching and
then using various media to make comparisons... For example, by asking a person that exchanges business cards at an exhibition to browse the website.
Send emails to prospects that you have repeatedly accessed the seminar to deepen their understanding.
If you answer "I'm considering" in the questionnaire after the seminar,
it will develop into a free consultation and business opportunity...
And finally, it will lead to business opportunities while going through various media.

During this period, it is necessary to take measures such as what kind of medium to make contact with in order to stay connected with prospective customers. It is also important to understand where the issues in your marketing activities are, even if those measures do not lead to successful business opportunities. In digital marketing, prospective customers who have attracted customers through various measures such as Web promotion and exhibitions can be trained while conducting individual log management and analysis, and finally grasping "what kind of effect has been produced". In addition, it can be said that the ideal form of digital marketing is to maximize the sales of your company by operating a process that looks at the entire marketing policy and turning the PDCA cycle.

MA tools are perfect to manage leads from multi-channels
Among digital marketing initiatives, MA is a good tool for managing leads on multiple channels. By introducing MA tools, you can understand, for example, which pages on your site are being viewed by potential customers,
and how many users are viewing from one company.
In addition, it is also possible to narrow down the search by action or condition from the detailed action log for each user.
You can also improve customer loyalty with one-to-one marketing, such as distributing e-mail magazines by segmenting. The greatest merit of introducing the MA tool is to create high-quality “business opportunities” by automating various measures this way
and developing prospective customers.