A Massive Marketing Day Changes Its Colors: The Super Bowl

One of the biggest marketing days of the year in the northern hemisphere falls on a February. This day is when two American football teams take to the field to decide a winner and is none other than the: Super Bowl. But more than a game its undoubtably one of the biggest marketing days of the year. In fact, many viewers make time for the event in order to watch the commercials as much as the game itself. In 2022, a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl went for $6 million. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in advertising on this particular day.
Traditionally, consumer staples have had a major presence when it comes to advertising during the Super Bowl. This makes sense since sports naturally attracts goods that can be consumed and enjoyed on that day. This would include items such as: soda, beer, snacks, candy, etc. Other items that have enjoyed popularity are cars, services, investments, travel, and hospitality. Over time certain themes have emerged and this year was no exception with the presence of cryptocurrencies.
Regardless of one’s view on the asset, cryptocurrencies have gathered a large following over recent years. And it should come as no surprise that this type of trend would be targeted at such a large venue like the Super Bowl. Whether this type of exposure turns a profit for the advertisers or the customers they look engage is not clear, but if the trend remains hot, these companies will certainly be at the event next year as well.
Although the Super Bowl is one of the largest (and most expensive) events to communicate with potential customers, it is just one point in time. Marketers that are looking to capitalize on the day have been preparing for months to create a glidepath to the event and have built anticipation. This type of integrated approach over time has created strong returns for brands based on a plan. From other commercials, social, blogs, branding events, etc., an effective 30 seconds is not only based on the content for that day, but all the other activity that leads up to big event.