Brands Get Ready for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

There are still mixed opinions about marketing in the 2020 Olympics. While the Games have traditionally been a major opportunity for TV advertising and marketing campaigns, the Games this year are taking place in precarious times. The entire Tokyo Olympics were canceled once, and after an extended period of confusion about whether the show can go on, finally, one year later, we're back on schedule. Now the Olympics are happening, but with eerily empty stadiums and in the background of a host city with a new wave of COVID-19. Even so, I think it's important that we can still get excited by the event, share the joy and sense of togetherness that the Games bring. Brands can get involved as always, but they will have to be innovative and have tact in order to get exposure in these conditions.
Since this year’s Olympic Games are being handled very differently due to COVID, the marketing approach will have to a bit more subtle, with respect to the circumstances and mixed opinions about the Games. One potential avenue for marketing is in the styling of the Olympians. Fashion is a big part of the Games and a handful of companies like Lacoste and Ralph Lauren are taking advantage of this. But the right research has been necessary as a bad look can cost a brand their following. All of this is being played out in real-time as spectators react through social media and express themselves. Though marketing in the 2020 Olympics is risky business, the savvier brands have managed to navigate this unprecedented context and cement their name further.
Who's tuning into the Games? Looking at cohort data, the main audience appears to be: millennials. This audience between the ages of 24-37 define themselves as sports enthusiasts. They find value and integrity in sport, and are engaged by the competition, cheering for their own country's Olympians. Millennials are also rediscovering the television. The TV is expected to be the main medium for viewing the Games this year as well. Outside of brand presence during the games, advertising will have an impact on how companies look to influence viewers. For brands wanting to engage, or reengage, with millennials, marketers have been handed a great opportunity.
Here are a couple examples of branding campaigns: