Grasp the customer's consideration| James English School

James English School
Grasp the customer's consideration period per real-time monitoring of access status
Please introduce your company
In 2021, we will celebrate our 47th year of operating language schools under the name "James English" in six prefectures in Tohoku, Niigata and Tokyo. With our extensive experience and track record, we can meet a wide range of language-related needs, including global human resource development, overseas customer service, and collaboration with overseas affiliates.
【Challenges before implementation】
- Increase the number of inquiries from your website
- Utilize the business cards you have
- Get rid of inefficient sales activities (tele-appointments, door-to-door sales, etc.)
Although the restriction of our sales activities due to COVID-19 was a trigger, we had been thinking about improving the efficiency of our sales activities for a long time, and we selected BowNow as part of our full-scale study.
【Selection Points】
- Low cost and easy to make cost-effective price range
- Simple functionality with no complicated features
- Good support system
- Email distribution
- Assigning and managing sales representatives for customers who have become apparent
- White paper policy using forms
- Approach activities based on access logs
- Site analysis based on company logs
- Approach activities
We started by using existing business card data for simultaneous distribution, and now we send out regular monthly emails and individual emails from new industry and organization lists.
【Results and internal changes】
Since we can see the access status of our list in real time, we can know when to consider training, etc. Sales staff can now use their ideas to improve access to our website.
【Customer Voice】
I started out with no knowledge of marketing tools, and I am very grateful for the detailed support I received from the various people in charge. I think this is the best service for a small company that can't afford a system administrator.
Thank you very much!