With its extensive support and tailored usage, progress sharing and case management became smooth | YP Biz Improve Inc.

YP Biz Improve Inc.
Location | 3-20-14, Kamezawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo |
Business Activity |
URL | https://www.yp-bizimprove.jp/ |
All members of the sales department are using BowNow. Crossing paper direct mail and tele-appointment with BowNow to enhance email marketing and web customer attraction.
Please introduce your company
Mr. Tomoyoshi: We are a company that develops and sells GrantWill (grant support system) for grant foundations, Bizsupport (membership information management and sharing system) for general companies and organizations with members, and cloud-based systems for universities. In a nutshell, it's a SaaS business in the BtoB domain.
I'm in the sales department. We are a small organization with about 20 employees, so we don't have a marketing department within the company, and I am concurrently working in the sales department on customer service and marketing-related tasks.
【Challenges before implementation】Challenges in the sales style at limited locations; online sales oriented to increase customer traffic via the Web
Why did you decide to implement MA?
We have been facing issues with the efficiency of our sales activities for a long time, and we began to consider the introduction of MA as part of our trend toward online sales.
We originally had a small number of sales staff, but we received inquiries from customers all over the country, and our sales style tended to be limited to a few locations. However, because our sales style tended to be limited by the number of offices we had, and we felt that it would be more efficient if we could do business with a smaller number of offices.
Another issue was that we did not know how much traffic came in from the website.
When we received an inquiry from the website, we used Google Analytics, etc., but we couldn't tell on a company-by-company basis whether the inquiry was made immediately, whether the customer visited the website multiple times, or whether the customer considered various pages.
The timing of the new corona epidemic in 2020 was also right. The timing was right for us to switch to such an online sales style.
Several of us had been interested in MA for a while, and through our contacts outside the company, we were recommended BowNow, and our internal team agreed that Cloud Circus' BowNow would be a good choice.
In the past, we had a strong belief that it is better to communicate face-to-face with customers even if they are far away from us.
【Selection Points】Ease of getting started is the most important factor. Emphasis on template usability rather than flexibility.
What was the deciding factor for you to use BowNow?
The ease of starting and the ease of use of the necessary functions were the deciding factors for us.
Although it is generally a good idea to start with creating a scenario for MA as it allows for a high degree of flexibility, our organization does not have that many people, so it was quite a hurdle to overcome in reality. Therefore, we thought it would be easier to introduce MA if we start from a place that is already completed to some extent.
In addition to BowNow, we talked to two or three other companies and downloaded their materials, but we decided to go with BowNow after seeing how to set up and use the dashboard during the review stage. The price was also apealing.
【Measures & Effects】Streamlining appointment acquisition by combining paper direct mail and BowNow. Doubled the number of inquiries and promoted internal DX
What kind of measures are you currently using BowNow for?
There was a time when we sent out paper direct mails (DM) to coincide with the renewal of a product's website. Since our company is the parent company of a printing company, we often sent out paper DMs to find new customers.
In that case, we used BowNow to check the status of the inflow from the DM and the log of whether the customer came to the website after making a phone call, and used it as a reference for our approach to improve efficiency.
What specific results have you seen since you started your marketing efforts?
First of all, the number of inquiries has increased.
For some products, the number of inquiries via the website has doubled since the introduction of BowNow.
We use BowNow's form embedded in our website, and we can analyze how many times our customers visit any page on our website, which leads to inquiries.
BowNow has also made it easier for us to manage projects and share the progress within the company.
Everyone in the sales department has a BowNow account, and each person is able to input and work on their own. We used to share projects at the timing of meetings and conferences, but now we can log in to BowNow and manage all the projects except for those that have been inquired about, and we can also register leads, which makes it easier to share the detailed progress of each project between Tokyo and Kanazawa.
Unlike Excel tables, BowNow allows us to update data in real time, and we are now able to see what kind of inflow is coming in from the website and the status of leads on a graph, even when someone else is in charge of the project.
【Future Outlook】To present white papers for each product and capture leads that do not go as far as inquiries
We want to make sure that we get the leads that are not leading to sales at this stage.
In some cases, we can catch them with the inquiry form on the website, but in other cases, we can't. For those cases that we can't catch, we are now at the stage of preparing a white paper to present.
As for how to use BowNow, I think it would be best if we can use it like a database to manage all the products of our cloud business and promote their sales.
【Customer Voice】I was impressed by the ease of understanding of the introduction guide and the support that was more generous than I expected.
Can you to give a message to those who are considering to introduce BowNow?
BowNow's generous support is especially helpful for a small company like ours. When we decided to introduce BowNow, we didn't expect it to be so generous.
In fact, I can use BowNow with peace of mind because they have consulted with me about various things that BowNow can do for us, such as email marketing strategies and case management points.
The video of the seminar at the time of introduction was also very well prepared, so I think it is easy to use even for companies who are new to MA tools. I'm sure it was prepared with that in mind, but I really thought it did exactly what it was supposed to do.
Thank you very much!