Success in Increasing New Leads with Document Download Form! |AUN Consulting Inc.

Ms. Reina Kanai (right), SP/PR, Marketing Group, AUN Consulting Inc.
Successfully increased new leads with the help of the document download form!
AUN Consulting Inc.
Location | Kasuga Tower Building 7F, 4-24-8 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo |
Business Activity | Global consulting for global marketing (search engine marketing services, Internet advertising, etc.), global cloud, assets, etc. |
Focusing on new lead acquisition is the way to go!
Please introduce your company
Ms.Kanai: We have several overseas offices in Asia, including Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam, and we are particularly strong in providing web marketing support for Asia. Our customers are companies that want to promote their products and services to overseas consumers, and we support them with SEO, listing ads, and SNS ads for overseas markets. I am the only one in charge of public relations in this department, and I am in charge of improving the website, creating content, approaching the media, and other general public relations tasks. In addition to this, we are also working on new businesses, such as operating an investment education service for women.
【Challenges before implementation】The challenge was that the number of leads was not enough to meet the sales target.
What challenges did you face before implementing MA?
One of the issues that we had before implementing MA was that we did not have enough leads to meet our sales goals, and we were not able to properly analyze the factors that led to the inquiries of our existing leads.
We were also considering replacing our email distribution tools, as we wanted to work on email marketing using step emails and other methods. At that time, I asked a PR support service provider if there was a system that would allow us to acquire leads while keeping costs low, and they told me that BowNow looked good.
【Selection Points】Form installation, log analysis, and email distribution functions are key.
What was the deciding factor for you to choose BowNow among the many MA tools available?
Ms.Kanai:I was attracted to BowNow not only because it was easy to start with, but also because it was easy to set up forms for downloading documents and so on, in terms of increasing leads. We can also analyze what kind of content our customers are interested in and what kind of route they took to download materials or make inquiries. The email distribution function also seemed to be suitable for our sales promotion policy, so we decided to use BowNow.
【Measures & Effects】Document downloads increased 4-5 times! Contributes to increased leads
What kind of measures are you currently using BowNow for?
Ms.Kanai:Currently, we are using the form function to download service documents, sending emails to existing leads at least once a week, and making phone calls to highly prospective leads.
We have seen the most positive results in the area of document downloads, where the number of leads has increased by 4 to 5 times compared to before BowNow was introduced. Although the accuracy is still low, we were able to increase the population of leads considerably. I think the reason why we were able to take this kind of action so quickly is because BowNow has a function that allows us to easily set up forms. This has enabled us to implement the PDCA cycle more quickly.
We also conduct online seminars on a regular basis, and before the seminar, we set up a form to recruit participants, and after the seminar, we send out an invitation to the seminar, along with a form to download materials and an archive video of the seminar. In the past, seminars would have been a one-time event, but now that we can freely use the forms, we can make effective use of the seminar content even after the seminar is over, which is a good thing.
The sales staff who are in charge of new sales have been given a full set of instructions on how to use BowNow, and there have been cases where sales staff have been able to close deals by approaching leads with hot logs by phone. We would like to continue to promote the policy that sales staff should look at BowNow by themselves and take action.
【Future Outlook】I want to increase business negotiations through email marketing that nurtures customers.
What would you like to challenge in the future with BowNow and marketing initiatives?
Ms.Kanai:Currently, the e-mails we send out to our leads are limited to information to maintain relationships with customers, such as columns and release information, so we would like to work on e-mail marketing to nurture customers in order to make the most of the leads we have acquired. Since we have limited resources, it is difficult for us to create content, but we would like to work on measures such as step-by-step emails to increase the number of opportunities that lead to business negotiations through emails.
【Customer's Voice】I'm learning to make suggestions that don't end with the introduction.
What do you expect from BowNow in the future and what do you think of Mtame's proposal?
Ms.Kanai:In the case of marketing tools like BowNow, I had an image that the vendor's proposal only ends with the implementation, but everyone at Mtame is really kind and even after the implementation, they take a close look at our site and give us advice on how to improve the contents. This has helped me learn a lot, and I am very grateful for the results. I will do my best to make good use of the excellent support system and become more proficient at using the site myself!
Thank you!!