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Introduction to B2B Marketing and Marketing Automation

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【Date and time】Wednesday, June 15, 2022  2:00 PM  (Malaysian time)

【Seminar style】 The seminar will be held via Zoom.
                                       After registering below, the Zoom link will automatically be sent to you via email. 

If this sounds like you, then don't miss out on our B2B marketing seminar!

  • You feel a need to strengthen your company's marketing and are searching for new methods to try
  • Due to COVID, sales have been stagnating and you want to re-evaluate your sales strategy
  • You want to obtain basic knowledge about how marketing works in B2B business

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In this seminar, you will gain a foundational knowledge of B2B marketing and sales processes. We'll go over the customer journey in B2B business, a few growing trends in B2B marketing from this past year, and show you how you can potentially implement these popular strategies with marketing automation. 

If you're already doing B2B sales or plan to start B2B in the near future, this seminar is a great way to get acquainted with the basics and see how B2B marketing diverges from B2C, which people tend to be more familiar with. Whether you're the marketing manager yourself, an executive in the company, or just a motivated sales rep, feel free to join and gain the information you need to improve marketing at your organization.

Please also note that this seminar is held regularly.
Make sure you haven't attended this seminar already before signing up. Thanks!

Seminar Content

■ Introduction to B2B Marketing and Marketing Automation

・What is B2B Marketing?
・Looking at the Customer Journey in B2B
・Major B2B Marketing Trends in 2022
・Introduction to Marketing Automation

■ Q&A Session

Please note that the content may be subject to minor changes.
Due to the nature of this event, participants from the same industry are respectfully requested to refrain from attending.

Sign up for this seminar

Seminar Details

Date and time Wednesday, June 15, 2022 From 14:00 to 15:00  (Malaysian time)
*Individual consultations will be available after the seminar.
Language English
Participation Cost Free

Madison Steakley (Cloud Circus, Inc.)

Capacity 50 people *First come, first serve.
Caution We reserve the right to reject applications from competitors/companies in the same industry at our discretion.
Please refrain from recording or taking pictures during the seminar.
Keep in mind that the content of the project may be subject to minor changes.

Sign up for this Seminar

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