Uncovering dormant customers! Acquire hot leads and turn them into business negotiations|Windy Network Corporation.

Windy Network Corporation.
Location | 6F, 3-2-3 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo |
Business Activity | Marine survey and research business, IT service business for office environment |
URL | https://www.windy-net.co.jp/ |
Uncovering dormant customers! Acquire hot leads and turn them into business negotiations
Please introduce your company
Mr. Hikoyama: We have two businesses: marine research and survey, and IT services for offices.
【Challenges before implementation】Acquire Hot Leads!!
Mr. Hikoyama: Originally, our company was mainly engaged in development, and our distributors were in charge of sales. We also did sales, but only in the form of support for the distributors. We were not focusing on direct sales. However, in the past two years, the number of inquiries through our website increased, and we decided to focus on direct sales.
【Selection Points】The tools were easy to use for beginners to get started.
What made you choose BowNow out of the many options?
Mr. Hikoyama: MA can do a lot of things, but I felt it was too hard to implement everything. I was also reluctant to install an expensive tool when I didn't know if it would be successful. If I was going to introduce a tool, I thought it should be relatively inexpensive and something that even a beginner could start with.
We compared several companies, but BowNow seemed to be the closest tool to what we were looking for, with an easy to understand interface and functions we wanted to use, so we decided to implement it.
【Measures and effects】Approaching the list we had, we were able to find companies that would be good candidates for the project.
Mr. Hikoyama: We use BowNow to manage the list of companies and the business card information that each sales person has, and send out e-mails. We also have a list of companies that have visited our website and we are trying to approach them.
At the same time, we have also hired Cloud Circus to run our Google Ads. We would like to increase the number of new clients we can reach out to since our current list is limited, and although it would be better to do SEO and LPs, we would like to start in stages and measure the effects rather than doing everything at once.
Other than that, we changed the download form of our materials to BowNow's one. We would like to consolidate all the lists into BowNow.
Mr. Hikoyama: We approached the companies that accessed the site, and several business negotiations have occurred from there.
Until now, all we knew was "how many people have downloaded materials," but with BowNow, we can now get information on "what kind of company they are. This part is very useful. Once we know this, we can send out emails to draw them in.
With business cards from years ago, it was difficult for individuals to approach them and sometimes they would be left behind, but as a company, it is good to be able to send emails all at once. There was even a case where we were able to convert an email to a list that had been lying dormant. I feel that we are now able to approach companies that would be good candidates for projects that we had not seen before.
In addition to this, we have also started to conduct webinars to acquire leads, and we have created a system that enables us to acquire leads by posting webinar information and information for downloading documents in emails.
Since customers are approaching us by visiting our website or downloading documents, we are not creating projects from nothing. In this sense, I feel that we are able to acquire leads with a higher level of enthusiasm than ever before.
【Future Outlook】Increase the number of new leads.
What would you like to challenge in the future with BowNow and marketing initiatives?
Mr. Hikoyama: I think we need leads in order to make good use of MA tools. That's why we want to increase the number of new leads. If the lead list we have now disappears, we will have no way to approach them.
I used to focus on field sales, but from now on I want to approach from various angles, so I hope to be able to implement measures that incorporate MA tools in different departments.
【Customer Voice】Satisfied with the high cost performance.
Can you to give a message to those who are considering to introduce BowNow?
Mr. Tsuchiya: I feel that the cost performance is very high, and although this is the first time I have used MA, I like the fact that I can see whether the other party has responded to my action or not. If we can see that they have looked at our website after we have made a field sale, we can approach them further based on the results. I thought this kind of sales development was another attractive feature of MA tools.
Thank you very much!