BowNow is being used to acquire leads for new businesses and is implementing measures to ensure a high appointment rate | en Factory, Inc.

Ms. Eriko Matsuoka, Marketing, Life Design Unit, en Factory, Inc.
Utilized to acquire leads for new business and is currently implementing measures to ensure a high appointment rate
en Factory Inc.,
Location | 1-7-7 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo |
Business Activity | Online shopping business, gift business, expert matching business, consigned project development business, community support business, human resources/organizational development support business, other Internet service business |
URL | |
In the absence of know-how, we are focusing on the measures we developed to acquire BtoB leads.
Please introduce your company
Ms. Matsuoka: Our company is involved in three main businesses: e-commerce site management, expert branding, and human resource activation, and organizational development.
Of these, I belong to the Life Design Unit, which is in charge of human resources and organizational development, and I also work in marketing, sales, and public relations. There is another person on the team who is dedicated to sales.
In the Human Resources and Organizational Development business, we offer a two-month training program for venture companies called "Doubleskilling Study Abroad," which mainly targets corporate HR personnel, especially those in charge of training, career development, and new business development.
【Challenges before implementation】A new coronavirus spreads as soon as a new business is launched with no experience in attracting BtoB customers.
Initially, we made appointments through referrals from existing customers, but we started a policy of organizing seminars to obtain leads, and just when we started to feel a positive response, such as obtaining about 50 leads per month, the new coronavirus spread.
We were no longer able to hold offline seminars and decided to switch to webinars to conduct them. I used Google Apps Script to communicate the change, but it took a long time to send just 50 emails, and I was afraid that I might make a mistake in the description.
I managed to get through February using that method, but I felt I was reaching my limits, so in March, I decided that I needed to add some kind of tool, either MA or SFA. One of the reasons was that I thought it would be difficult to manage the list that would be growing in the future manually.
We were accepting webinar applications via forms, but we were also receiving some via email forwarding from employee referrals, which was making it complicated to keep track of. If there were any omissions, especially in the notification of the change to online, it would not be a mistake.
【Selection Points】Cost and ease of use of domestic tools that can be implemented as soon as you think of them
What was the reason why you chose BowNow?
Ms. Matsuoka: I had used marketing automation (MA) in my previous job, but I felt that it was difficult to use tools other than MA unless they were made in Japan. BowNow was a domestic tool, and that was the first thing that impressed me.
Also, I liked the fact that there was no initial cost, as we had a limited budget. Since BowNow was reasonably priced, I thought I could persuade the company by reducing my own man-hours and making adjustments.
【Measures and Usage】Devise measures that are likely to lead to business negotiations high appointment rate!
What kind of measures are you currently using BowNow for?
Ms. Matsuoka: After we introduced the system in June 2020, we first used it to send follow-up emails to seminar participants, which was our initial goal.
After that, we started using it to send nurturing e-mails twice a month, and now we are also trying to use the access log to our website for sales approaches. Specifically, we send a segmented email before a sales approach by phone and make a phone call the moment the email is opened, and we are currently monitoring the effects.
One of the most effective measures was to send a graphic record (a method to visualize the content of a meeting using illustrations and diagrams) as a thank you for participating in a webinar and to make an approach call to the lead who opened the record. I can't give you specific figures, but the appointment rate is also high.
Actually, a sales manager in his 50s moved to the company as an executive in April, and he started working remotely right after he joined, so it took him a while to learn how to use BowNow due to his weakness in IT, but he is very impressed with the digital marketing using MA. I am very impressed with the digital marketing using MA. Since BowNow is easy to use, we use the email sending function to send emails and understand the open rate. With other tools, I don't think this would have been possible.
【Future Outlook】Emails by segmentation and set up intermediate conversions from LPs.
What would you like to challenge in the future with BowNow and marketing initiatives?
Ms. Matsuoka: The follow-up person at Mtame suggested a measure to segment leads by Yomi and sent emails to them, but we haven't tackled it yet, so we would like to do it in the future.
We are also thinking of increasing the amount of content on our website. Currently, we only update the content on the main service page out of the LP (landing page) and the main service page, but we would like to create a lead on the LP in the form of "useful information" and provide information before requesting materials to make intermediate conversions.
From the browsing log, we will be able to understand the problems of each lead, which should make it easier to approach sales. We are currently working on the structure.
【Customer's Voice】The first step is to implement the tools and take action to see what you can do.
Please tell us your message to prospective customers and what you expect from BowNow in the future.
Ms. Matsuoka: Rather than trying to force yourself to do many things at once, there are many things you can do by first understanding the inflow to your web pages and email open rates.
I think it is important to use tools with low barriers to implementation and try to do things in a minimalistic way to see how much easier it becomes, how much more you can do, and how effective it is.
The more companies that have not done much digital marketing up to this point, the more they think they need to do something about it, so why not take action first?