Introduced BowNow and Blue Monkey at the right time to start acquiring new leads.|Asaka Riken Co.,Ltd.

Asaka Riken Co.,Ltd.
Location | 47 Maseguchi, Kanaya, Tamura-cho, Koriyama City, Fukushima |
Business Activity | Development and sales of the measurement data management system "Mr. Manmos Sora |
URL | |
Streamlining email newsletter distribution and lead management with BowNow and Blue Monkey.
Uncovering dormant customers and strengthening inside sales.
Please introduce your company
Mr. Hotta: We develop and operate "Mr. Manmos," a quality control software that has been in operation for over 30 years andare an eco-business that contributes to the preservation of the global environment through its precious metal-related business, which includes the recycling of electronic components and the recovery of valuable metals, as well as the recycling of etching solutions and the manufacturing and sale of inorganic industrial chemicals. The company is listed on the JASDAQ stock exchange for its precious and valuable metals recovery business, and also focuses on system development business to contribute to the improvement of productivity at manufacturing sites by utilizing the on-site know-how of the manufacturing industry.
The software development division, to which I belong, is one such business, developing quality control systems in-house and completing the sales process in-house.
In this department, I am responsible for both sales and marketing. There are two sales people including myself and one manager. I also feel that there is a lot of work to be done in the marketing department.
【Challenges before implementation】Seeking to establish measures for acquiring new leads and nurturing methods, and to improve the efficiency of managing our own e-mail newsletter
Why did you decide to implement MA?
Mr. Hotta: One of the issues we faced before introducing BowNow was that we had no established method for acquiring new leads, and even if we participated in exhibitions, we had no way of nurturing the leads we acquired there.
There was a period of time when the system division was not actively developing new customers, and we had not been able to obtain new leads for a long time. When it was time to start activities to acquire new customers, we considered the introduction of MA, including how to approach the leads we had obtained at the exhibitions and how to manage our own mail magazines.
We had been mainly dealing with existing customers, but when it was time to start acquiring new customers, we decided to create a new website in the division and try to attract customers there. At that time, we came up with the idea of using Blue Monkey and BowNow to create an LP first, and then manage forms and leads.
【Selection Points】Introducing Blue Monkey at the time of web renewal; improving efficiency of customer business card management and mail magazine management with BowNow
What was the deciding factor for you to use BowNow and Blue Monkey?
Mr. Hotta: As I mentioned earlier, we adopted BowNow when we were about to start our web marketing strategy, and we adopted Blue Monkey's web production almost simultaneously with our web renewal.
As we re-examined how to run the cycle of going to trade shows to get leads, collecting business cards, and then chasing them up, we decided that we wanted to use MA to manage business cards and manage the email newsletters that we had been doing for some time.
【Measures & Effects】Delivering content via email newsletters and following up with leads; using BowNow to approach multiple leads at once, resulting in business negotiations
What kind of measures are you currently using BowNow for?
Mr. Hotta: BowNow is mainly used to send out email newsletters, follow up on leads that have responded, and manage LP forms. Perhaps it's because I have experience with MA in my previous job, but BowNow is almost intuitive from the beginning.
In terms of web marketing in general, we mainly distribute e-mail newsletters via BowNow and other companies' portal sites, and distribute contents using e-mail.
Due to the new corona epidemic, we haven't been able to hold a real exhibition for the past year, and the last one we held was in October last year. So we are looking into online exhibitions and other tools that can be used as an alternative to the exhibitions we have been holding.
The contents of our mail magazines are mainly based on case studies of our products as well as basic knowledge that is explained for each theme, such as "quality control" in recent years.
In addition to useful information that may be of high interest to our customers, we also send out new feature releases when our software is upgraded.
What specific results have you seen since you started your marketing efforts?
Mr. Hotta: One of the most important things is that we can now approach multiple leads acquired through exhibitions and content distribution in one go.
I like the fact that we can get multiple effects with a single operation, and that we can see exactly what the results were for a single action.
Recently, we have been focusing on activities to acquire new leads, and although there is some overlap with the entire company, we mainly send e-mails to the lists acquired by the business units.
Recently, we have also started to conduct inside sales activities, such as calling customers who have reacted to our e-mails by downloading documents or clicking on URLs, which has actually led to business negotiations.
With the introduction of BowNow, we can now see the responses of our customers, and we feel that we are more aware of how to follow up with them, and how to follow up with customers who have lost an order or become dormant leads.
Now that we have accumulated a certain amount of new leads, I think we are now at the stage where we are thinking about how we can uncover customers who we have discussed with in the past but lost or who have become dormant for some reason. We have just started this part of the project, so I think we will see concrete results in the future.
【Future Outlook】
What would you like to challenge in the future with BowNow and Blue Monkey
Mr. Hotta: In addition to acquiring new leads, we would like to proactively uncover dormant customers. I would like to review the lead nurturing process as needed, and also continue to strengthen inside sales and SEO.
【Customer Voice】Continue to provide support for solving issues such as SEO. Expectations for broader advice from a marketing perspective in the future.
What do you expect from BowNow and Cloud Circus Inc. in the future?
Mr. Hotta: You are still supporting us, but we would appreciate it if you could continue to guide us on how to solve our issues at the time, such as how to use SEO and the dashboard.
We have been discussing with the support staff about how to approach dormant customers, how to acquire leads, and what kind of measures we should take to create business opportunities, but we would be very happy if we could get advice from a broader perspective.
Thank you very much!